Torso Looking For Legs Single Review

Elephant Of The Ocean

Review by Asmith // 6 November 2012
Elephant Of The Ocean

Brutal from the very first note, these guys are bringing the standard of kiwi metal to a new level with their first single Torso Looking For Legs. Everything from Production to the music itself is annihilating my ears as I listen to it, over and over again.

Very heavy groove based riffs (that actually kind of remind me of Pantera) with some of their self-proclaimed Dumb Math riffs keeping a technical aspect to their sound, and the use of midi effects and pre-recorded out takes that take it all that little bit further. The vocals showcase an ability beyond the usual “death growls and nothing but death growls” that is so prominent in NZ metal and it’s good to hear a range of techniques- and that’s just the first track!

They currently have two singles available for FREE DOWNLOAD (Torso Looking For Legs and Wednsday Arrived Saturday) which are available on their facebook page, and if you are anything like me after listening to their singles you will be awaiting their debut album in early 2013 with eager anticipation!

About the author Asmith

Having graduated from UCOL’s music course in 2011, I began working with Tararua Television hosting a monthly local music show called “Off The Stage”, where I interviewed and showcased people working within the local music scene. I am in a blues rock band called “The Blue Grizzly Band” as well as a metal band called “Defetus”. I teach guitar lessons and busk regularly. I am also a radio host on Access Radio’s Metal Heads Radio (NZ Metal), and Black & Blues Radio (blues and soul) shows. I am also regularly involved in charity events. My love of music began at an early age, having a wide interest in genres ranging from Reggae and Blues to Rock and Metal, and a few in between. [email protected]

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