Tempo38/Provoke Split Compilation

Tempo 38

Review by Craig Johnson // 2 April 2007
Tempo 38

I once thought the Trans Tasman rivalry was solely based on the results of cricket matches. Now that we’ve been handed Australia/New Zealand hardcore the rivalry has been cross credited to a battle of the screamos. I beg your pardon, I see this is a brothers in battle compilation – men from alternate sides of the ditch coming together in a delirious fusion of black jeans and tattoos, is there no god?

Well it does have all the things you would expect from a hardcore album. It has the classic ‘catch phrase from popular movie’ intro which does nothing for the song what so ever, except maybe make it slightly intriguing for about three seconds. It has heaps of words, I think, and heaps of cool swear words which you can swear along with when your mum isn’t home. But best of all is you can mix it up with all your other hardcore albums and you probably won’t even notice the difference.

So if you’re into ‘hardcore’, then maybe you should pick up a copy of this hardcore compilation. Wow, Australians and New Zealanders coming together to fight once more, just as our beloved Anzacs did so many moons ago. It’s a, dare I say it, beautiful thing to see our two nations join forces. So thanks guys, you’ve really done those Anzacs proud. Word.

Craig Johnson

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