Single/Video Review: Sexy Rock

Bingo Fighter

Review by darryl baser // 15 November 2019
Single/video Review: Sexy Rock 1

Well it’s always good to have a little levity in life, and Bingo Fighter’s video and single release fits that brief to a tee.

There have been some great piss-taking bands and musicians over the years, from the great Victor Borge, to ‘Weird’ Al Yankovic. It’s unsure if Bingo Fighter want to pitch themselves headlong into that genre, but Sexy Rock is definitely not to be taken too seriously.

The video begins with the band’s singer kissing the camera, then leaping about a bit. Scene two is the singer hanging out on his couch with a large teddy bear, which features a lot in the video. The band miming to the track shots are a masterclass in straight face piss-takery.

As a song Sexy Rock has a great bass line and is a well written tune following the intro, verse, pre-chorus chorus etc pattern. The middle 8 is a thing of beauty, breaking the fourth wall in video, and as a song, as the singer narrates what a middle 8 does: “then fuck around with the melody…then build it up”, the song returns to the chorus.

Kind of reminds me of Steriogram, the band members are all clearly talented, and don’t take themselves too seriously. This song could be the hit of the summer.

About the author darryl baser

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