Single/Video Review: In The Moment

Pale Flag

Review by eidirbs // 30 October 2018
Single/video Review: In The Moment 1

Pale Flag is a 5-piece metal from Auckland, New Zealand. While they are both young and very new on the scene they bring us promise for great things with their first single In This Moment.

My roots have always personally lied in the hardcore scene, so this review was both nostalgic and an insight for me of the ever-growing Metal community that New Zealand has.

The song starts with a softer, more melodic riff to introduce you to the video. Showing the band in stillness as they await their beginning which comes in full force with some impressive vocals. The softer rhythm continues underneath while the song impacts which I think gives a great demonstration of the diversity within this band’s abilities. There’s no lack of flow in this song and it’s structured in a way so that each instrument has its own flourishing moment.

The story of this video begins immediately, following one man as he walks through a suburban town with a shifting presence following behind him. After a while he stops, almost defeated and conflicted by the proximity of the figure. What I take from the video is a darker voice in the back of your mind. Unable to escape the tortures of your own thoughts and feeling captive to an unknown being. It’s at the breakdown where we see what could be our man’s demise but not until he swiftly turns to face the figure in black, chasing after the tortured thoughts and finding they will not fight back in the end. It is only a conjuring of his mind.

I’m reminded of early Parkway Drive and my personal favourite New Zealand metal band: Antagonist A.D. With this band on the rise and a lot of passion for their craft I believe they can reach the same status as these bands. Continuing to bring new ideas, new faces and new music into this scene is important. The metal community gave to me what I’m sure these boys are given too. A sense of belonging and a sense of release through music.

Catch Pale Flag play at Whammy Bar in Auckland, opening for Scorn of Creation on November the 1st.

About the author eidirbs

@eidirbs /bridiethomsoncreative

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