Single Review: Turbo Outrun


Review by malexa // 4 February 2021
Single Review: Turbo Outrun 1

In an interview with Naircol, following the release of his debut album Isolate late last year, he put collaborative ventures at the top of his wish list.

It seems Santa Claus came calling in the form of Canadian producer Tokyo Rat, the result of which is the dynamic driving anthem Turbo Outrun.

It has a nostalgic video game feel to it – a reference point that Naircol, Tauranga-based musician Matt Hennessy, drew inspiration from on his turbo-charged calling card.

What stands out, aside from its powerhouse beat is some stunning guitar work courtesy of Kev Allan, swirling banks of synthesisers and a free-floating melody that surges and swells and then gently drops away to reveal a lovely piano motif to ponder upon.

There’s a lot more nuance and texture to Turbo Outrun than was evident on the beast that was Isolate, which adds to its accessibility factor..

One could almost say, Naircol has joined the “(Tokyo) rat race”.

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