Single Review: New Wave

Seth Haapu

Review by ShelleySketch // 3 June 2018
Single Review: New Wave 1

In his first release since Volume II in 2107, Seth Haapu returns with his beautiful new singe New Wave. I’ve noticed Seth sticks to a theme of nature that has been a part of his previous releases and is a part of who he is. There’s something comforting and familiar to me about Seth’s voice right off the bat. His vocals are strong throughout the track and the piano accompaniment is simple but just enough to pull you in to the song even more. Then, just as you’re tied in, a little pop instrumental kicks off to make the song seem lighter to finish off. In this track Seth is comparing life to water, with the real sounds of water at the end helping to tie it all in together.

The video Seth released with the track keeps true to the experience of the track. Seth sits at a piano on a beach, performing New Wave. The video starts off as an evening at the beach then it changes to what seems more like it is the middle of the day. The sun and clear blue skies really dominate the shots as it reflects off the piano, sand and water. The video itself has somewhat of a calming effect on me and makes me want to be at the beach. It is clearly a lovely experience for Seth and the viewer.

★★★★★ (5 stars)

Review written by Shelley Te Haara

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About the author ShelleySketch

Editor for Moments Passed / Host on Shelleys Shuffle (Rawkus Radio) / IG = / Photo & video / Artist Management / Events / Merch / ETC

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