Single Review: Imbecile

Play Big

Review by Paul Goddard // 8 October 2017
Single Review: Imbecile 1

Play Big are ANGRY. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact, we need more angry people in the world right now. Don’t get me wrong let’s not mix up anger with hate they are two very different beasts. Anger fuels curiosity and curiosity fuels anger. Anger fuels rebellion and hate just eats itself.

At just under 4 mins long this song takes no prisoners. It’s clear from the recording quality, the video, Play Big are also aiming at bigger things. The anger here is self-directed, “my biggest enemy is me” and then making a decision to defy what the world is throwing at you and change direction. You see anger is an energy and a positive one.

There is always a danger when travelling down the rap/rock route that we end up back in 1993 and people start spinning guitars round their necks or here in NZ we get watered down Blindspott (Blacklistt). Thankfully Play Big don’t seem to be driven by chart success they want to get something off their chest and they do it really well.

I think Play Big are onto something and need to continue to get harder, angrier, more positive/negative. Keep the stripped back vibe. Space creates noise and if that is where they are going then this is going to be one big noise that NZ can be proud of.

Let’s hope this song gets heard. Actually, no fuck that let’s hope people go out and watch this song get played live. Then the message can be hit home.

Review written by Paul Goddard

About the author Paul Goddard

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