Single Review: BDSM


Review by Trevor Faville // 5 March 2018
Single Review: Bdsm 1

BDSM is a solid first release from New Brighton based three-piece Streakers. For a debut recorded effort, this tune has the focus, clarity, and impact that plainly reflects a fair amount of ‘quality time’, the kind of time spent playing live and allowing a sound to develop. It’s a matured- but safe to say, not a “mature”-sound. There is plenty of youthful vigour here.

So, what are we hearing? BDSM is a tightly arranged and structured piece of …one would need to say “rock”. It’s a word impossible to ignore for so many reasons – sound, attitude and approach all state the ‘R’ word clearly. The easiest reference point? The Streakers themselves indicate Queens of the Stone Age, Stone Temple Pilots, and Alice In Chains. Us older folk might find Head Like a Hole would be a useful comparison, too. Big on the riffs, fuzz tone-bass, and overtly male vocals.

It’s an ensemble-based sound, not based around solos or extensive vocal histrionics-something of a refreshing approach and a refreshing listen, and certainly a Contemporary Rock approach. Credit must be given for the editing process that this song must have gone through – there is no ‘fat’ in the instrumentation and structure, and no time wasted, either.

Nice to catch lyrics that are not literal and overtly self-centred. That’s a bit of reviewer bias, to be sure, but it makes for a much better listen-lyrics that infer rather than declare or demand. Deep? No, but that isn’t necessary here. The words function melodically and rhythmically first of all, again a very ‘rock’ approach.

It has to be said that this song would be punishing live, and it’s great to listen to a song like this that plainly has been grown in an organic way. Probably this approach is what makes BDSM ‘rock’ on a way older folks will relate to.

As an invitation to see The Streakers play live, BDSM does an excellent job.

Review written by Trevor Faville

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