Single Review: A Mind Reborn

Medusa Glare

Review by Ben Ruegg // 26 September 2019
Single Review: A Mind Reborn 1

Medusa Glare. Note that down. No. Not later. NOW!

One of the best parts of being a music reviewer is getting introduced to new music from people that pour their hearts and soul into their work, artists that take all of their influences and bring it all together to make it their own.

And damn, Medusa Glare, why haven’t I heard of you before?

Their new track A Mind Reborn is an absolute banger. It takes everything I personally love about groove rock and throws it into a mixer, adds their own character to it and then presents it to the world.

From that bone-crunching riff that starts the track, you instantly know that these guys mean business and have a real understanding of the elements that make rock, well, rock. Even the simple things, like solid drumming that cuts through the mix, vocals that soar with passion and clarity. It all adds up. Steve Anderton has one of the best voices I have heard in rock recently. It reminds me of Ian from Deep Purple, the way he can hold belt throughout the song, yet showcase so much dynamic.

Pay attention to the details and you will hear so much happening. The tight playing on bass with the fills that add depth to the song where needed. The organ that sits in the back on the chorus but without it, that chorus wouldn’t be the same. Even things like the chords, the 7th chord after that accent. That perfectly played and well thought out guitar solo. I could just keep going on listing the gems I found here, but I would prefer it if you went and cranked it up to 11 and found them yourselves.

Medusa Glare. I added them to my playlist and will definitely be telling my class about the band today.

Incredible stuff boys!

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