Septic Proof

Tempo 38

Review by CEO Mong // 9 October 2008
Tempo 38

A well-balanced EP full of tight refrains and solid measured riffs, a staunch album chock-full of punk flavour. I was sold on the first track, each track further cementing the awesomeness.

The title track, Septic Proof, is a very punk tune with a solid rhythm, promising a lot for the rest of the album. Sneaky hook upfront catches you unawares.

With only 6 tracks this album is way too short, made up for with a really big sound that reminds me of the best bits of many other wicked bands. Epic, catchy, often quirky intros on all tracks, sets the pace and carries through with in-your-face passion.

Flashpoint (track 3), is my favourite by far, an epic anthem with a grand intro, rolling into some heavier stuff. Kick-ass passionate lyrics & solid chorus spin-kick you in the head.

Watch out for Tempo 38 in a town near you, no doubt they go off live, and if this album is anything to go by, then a full offering will be something extra special.

I’m off for a shot.

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