No More Fun And Games EP Review

November Zulu

Review by Asmith // 16 May 2012
No More Fun And Games Ep Review 1

Upon receiving this CD for review I was expecting to hear yet another cliché kiwi “rock” band… You guys know what I mean, that unfortunate kiwi sound that could be described as the deformed love child of pop rock and indie.

But to my pleasant surprise I was made to eat my own doubts upon hearing November Zulu’s first single “Adrenaline” which caught my attention straight away with catchy groove based riffs and clean pop rock vocals, not to mention actual vocal harmonies rather than the usual vocal overdubs.

The surprises kept on coming as I continued to listen to the album hearing the versatility of their musicianship going from rocking grooves to slow chilled out tunes almost rock ballad in nature.

The digital sound on some of the guitar tracks helps to give it a more modern sound that you can’t help but nod your head too, and the vocal harmonies throughout show a refinement that only experience can give.

It is refreshing to hear something different come out of the NZ rock scene for a change and I will definitely be keeping an ear out to see what they come up with next!

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About the author Asmith

Having graduated from UCOL’s music course in 2011, I began working with Tararua Television hosting a monthly local music show called “Off The Stage”, where I interviewed and showcased people working within the local music scene. I am in a blues rock band called “The Blue Grizzly Band” as well as a metal band called “Defetus”. I teach guitar lessons and busk regularly. I am also a radio host on Access Radio’s Metal Heads Radio (NZ Metal), and Black & Blues Radio (blues and soul) shows. I am also regularly involved in charity events. My love of music began at an early age, having a wide interest in genres ranging from Reggae and Blues to Rock and Metal, and a few in between. [email protected]

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