
Li’l Chuck the One Man Skiffle Machine

Review by Corinne Rutherford // 25 February 2019
Mono 1

Independent Christchurch based multi-instrumentalist Li’l Chuck the One Man Skiffle Machine, has just released his third album Mono. David Thorpe (aka Li’l Chuck) shines on this album, fourteen tracks of pure nostalgic blues, early jazz and ragtime recorded at Sugar Ray’s Vintage Recording Studio, in Essex, UK. Entirely using 1950’s mono recording equipment, direct to tape. The result is a captivating journey back in time of paired back music to its core essentials.

Li’l Chuck, may only be one man, but he pumps out a full sound of the highest quality. He is a one man band skilfully playing the kick drum, hi hat, resonator guitar and harmonica simultaneously. Adding to that are his strong bluesy vocals, channelling his “nostalgic melting pot of influences”.

Mono is an honest no frills album, producing music of the highest standard. No sound techs or fancy equipment, no big recording studio with all the latest bells and whistles just “One Man…One Man Band…One Microphone… One Day Recording Session…” creating an impressive 14 track album with a unique sound and a gutsy lively spirt.

Gritty blues and a good dose of harmonica, a selection of new originals and interpretations of old favourites make up this album. Recorded in a style that captures the “raw energy”. The first track on Mono is a Li’l Chuck original Right By My Side, launching straight into fast paced harmonica. Further along a moody rendition of Cross Road Blues and a toe tapping Red Rooster.

Recording through vintage gear, playing multiple instruments at once and singing along are an impressive notion to me. “I like music with integrity” Li’l Chuck can be quoted as saying. That certainly radiates through on this album. Charisma and integrity.

Mono has a sincere sound to it; little soundbites have been left in here and there on several tracks indicating that not every song was set down first take. Recording all fourteen tracks over one day in the studio of his dreams has been a massive achievement for Li’l chuck – The One Man Skiffle Machine. The unique sound and quality of the recording suited his style of music perfectly.

I would like to acknowledge the care that he puts into his CD cover and informative insert booklet. As with his past albums, honest uncomplicated photography and a good insight into the artist are always appreciated.

It amazes me how one person can do all these things at once to create a solid cohesive sound. That’s five stars from me.

About the author Corinne Rutherford

My name is Corinne. I am a music reviewer based in Tauranga. I am currently in a band called The Knids with my partner Michael and good friend Chris. My journey in the NZ music scene started with gig photography, which then evolved into writing and singing. I am passionate about local and New Zealand based music and the musical artists who create it.

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