Love Is For Others Album Review

The Lowest Fidelity

Review by Alistar3000 // 7 March 2014
Love Is For Others Album Review 1

There are three assumptions you’ll need to dispel before listening to Will Saunders and the Lowest Fidelity’s latest release Love Is For Others. The first is that the Low Fidelity is a band (or at least that they’re a band on the recording – there is a live band); Will performs as a solo artist. The second is that because he records solo the album will sound like a solo album; trust me, you’ll never know the difference. And the third assumption is that Love Is For Others, having been released on Valentines Day, is somehow an album of love songs; it most definitely isn’t.

What Love Is For Others is, is 11 tracks of dirty, fuzzy, bluesy, psychedelic rock and roll. The sound draws heavily on 60’s and 70’s rock. It’s dark and gritty music, and if it touches on love, it’s the dark side of the emotion, far removed from a Valentines ballad (with song titles like A Grim Business, We Both Got Out, and The World Is Over, it’d be hard to mistake the album for anything else).

Will’s voice and the emotion he manages to convey suit the music well and he comes across as believable and honest at all times; while the songs are his not all singer/songwriters manage to achieve this feat. His playing on the album is also authentic, although at times it would have been good to hear him break out of the conventions of the sound he’s drawing on and be a little more adventurous. That’s a minor gripe with what is a strong second album from Will.

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