Layers EP Review


Review by Alistar3000 // 17 October 2011
Layers Ep Review 1

I spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon looking for something to listen to that would fit in with a stinking hangover.  It takes a special kind of music to slot into a hangover and I wasn’t having much luck; everything was either too loud, or too mellow, or too fast, or too slow. And then I remembered that I had SINSIN to listen to and it turned out to be just right.

The creation of Motocade guitarist Geordie McCallum, and featuring the musical talents of Zowie bass player Harry Champion and Kerretta drummer Hamish Walker, SINSIN is like a gentle collision between atmospheric electronica and indie rock.

Layers is the first EP, and also the title track (and also my favourite track). It kicks off with the aforementioned title track, a doozy of a song, with some great beats and catchy guitars, before the foot comes of the accelerator and things get laid back, way back.

But while it’s mellow, at no point did it get boring or lose that spark that’s going to draw listeners in like moths to a flame.  And that’s why I ended up listening to these five tracks several times in the course of that Sunday afternoon and feeling all the better for it.

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