Iron album review

Cairo Knife Fight

Review by luke fitzmaurice // 1 August 2009
Cairo Knife Fight

When I first listened to this album I immediately got the impression of movement. The first track definitely felt like it was driving towards… well… something, I wasn’t quite sure what at that stage. As the repetitive yet strong guitar riff and powerful rhythm of the track built towards a climax, I couldn’t help but enjoy it. To be completely honest it was exactly what I had expected from a band led by a drummer, so I wasn’t disappointed. The second track was equally upbeat, so it felt like the rest of the album was going to be well worth listening to.

As the album progressed, I continued to enjoy the way Cairo Knife Fight mix elements of rock, soul, beats and other genres. The third track reminded me of My Old Man by Anika Moa, and at some point I remember thinking that the band sounded like Op Shop with far less pop, although later I could never pinpoint the exact song which prompted this thought.

By the time I had listened to it right through, I was reasonably impressed, but I couldn’t help feel as though it had lost momentum towards the last few tracks. Not wanting to judge it to quickly, I listened to it a few more times through. Again the first few songs were enjoyable, but again the album seemed to peter out towards the end. I couldn’t really figure out what it was, but it felt like the album was missing… well… something. It wasn’t until I started to write down my thoughts that I realised that what it seemed like the album was driving towards never really eventuated. The promise of an exciting journey that lay in the first half of the album was there, but without an equally interesting destination, it was a little unsatisfying.

Don’t get me wrong, I would still say that on the whole the album was good, but I couldn’t help but feel that it could have been better. Even after listening to it multiple times I still can’t pick what’s missing, but perhaps Iron would have been better as a six or seven track EP rather than a full length album, I just don’t know. That said, I wouldn’t hesitate to see these guys live given the chance, as it is the type of music that would no doubt make for a great gig, so it’s not all doom and gloom by any means. Cairo Knife Fight certainly have the potential to produce something outstanding, but in my opinion, that potential isn’t quite fulfilled on this album.

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