EP Review: Dark As Life

Seven Zen

Review by Corinne Rutherford // 23 May 2018
Seven Zen

Seven Zen is a 14-year-old college student at Mahurangi College in Warkworth. Barely in her teens, she already has a couple of years under her belt as a talented multi-instrumentalist and has been performing covers to impressed audience both live and on YouTube (he can play more than 200 to be exact). This is her debut EP titled Dark As Life. Original material that she composed, arranged, played and produced. 

“The 4 tracks on Dark As Life critically examine the concept of freedom and some of the more dysfunctional developments in our society from the perspective of a Kiwi teen”.

Don’t let her tender age fool you; this is one very talented young girl. She has written songs which are thoughtful and thought provoking. There is a serious message in hers songs accompanied by a sound that far outweighs her years. I would describe her guitar playing as moody, a perfect accompaniment to her lyrics and vocals.

This is taking the teenage poetry writing of my youth to an extra level. Seven Zen has taken deep thinking and soul searching to another elevation, launching straight into killings in American schools. A song she has written about the gun laws called Preventative Measures. There is no candy floss on this album. It is real and dark. 

The distorted guitar sound, which resonates in places particularly on track 4 Escapees, actually compliments the mood of the EP. Not bad at all for someone who has only been playing the guitar for three years.

Drawn to dark and gritty music, you can hear the musician’s which influence Seven Zen in this album. David Bowie, Nick Cave, The Doors and Pink Floyd, just to name a few. And as teenagers have done for many years, she loves to rummage through her parent’s records. This could explain her somewhat sophisticated taste in music.

I am impressed by the maturity and insightful nature of this EP coming from someone so youthful. She is already a skilful songwriter and musician. This is another reason why we should be excited about the future of NZ music. And there are so many of them.

“Dark poetry at the speed of life.”

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About the author Corinne Rutherford

My name is Corinne. I am a music reviewer based in Tauranga. I am currently in a band called The Knids with my partner Michael and good friend Chris. My journey in the NZ music scene started with gig photography, which then evolved into writing and singing. I am passionate about local and New Zealand based music and the musical artists who create it.

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