Did You Miss Me? EP Review

Kieran Cooper

Review by Peter-James Dries // 15 September 2013
Did You Miss Me? Ep Review 1

Did You Miss Me? asks the title of Kieran Cooper’s newest solo EP, and the answer is a resounding yes. Though, for Kieran’s nearest and dearest fans Kieran has never really been absent since his last offerings, Yes, No, Sincerely and Yes, No, Acoustic. He’s being playing, practicing, recording and refining, as any artist does.

Did You Miss Me? is the result of Kieran’s refining, and a refinement of Kieran’s sound is what we are given. He has come a long way since 2011’s In Search of Reason. Where Kieran’s first solo release was dark, chaotic and experimental, the product of an artist finding his sound, Did You Miss Me? is the sound and soul of Kieran Cooper. 

Like Yes, No, Sincerely, Did You Miss Me? is a stripped back, intimate and real performance, just a guy with a guitar, sounding just like it would in a live setting, highlighting Kieran as one of New Zealand’s best upcoming singer-songwriters. There really is no basis of comparison to any other artist I have encountered, Kieran’s voice is unique. You’ve really got to hear the music.

You can find Did You Miss Me? on Kieran Cooper’s bandcamp now for FREE download and stream, and look out for him doing the local touring circuit sometime soon.

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About the author Peter-James Dries

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