Death Devine Album Review

Dr. Monster

Review by Asmith // 27 July 2012
Death Devine Album Review 1

Now I should probably point out first off that I am not a big punk fan, and punk is one genre that I know very little about, but even a bad punk CD is still going to sound a hell of a lot better than my flatmates dubstep collection, fortunatly for me this CD isn’t bad at all.

I would describe this sound as “horror punk”, if you could imagine what that might be. The vocalist has a slight slur while singing throughout which can make some of the pronunciations a little hard to understand sometimes (but the more gravel he adds the clearer he becomes) but I think it is very much his sound that defines this band and gives it some originality and really sets it apart from a lot of the other punk bands that are around to today. This album contains a mix of sound, from upbeat punk rock to slow punk ballads like “Recipe For Perfection”.

I think I can actually almost hear a rock n roll influence through some of the progressions, although this could just be something that has transcended through the punk scene over the years, in which case it would have slipped right past me. Along with “Recipe For Perfection” there were two other standout songs for me, “Hold Hands When We Die” and “Taste The Blood” which for me really showcased the bands songwriting abilities through things like tempo changes and rhythmic diversity among others. So if you like punk, horror punk, or just want a healthy distraction from your flatmates dubstep I would recommend you go and grab a copy of this album. 

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About the author Asmith

Having graduated from UCOL’s music course in 2011, I began working with Tararua Television hosting a monthly local music show called “Off The Stage”, where I interviewed and showcased people working within the local music scene. I am in a blues rock band called “The Blue Grizzly Band” as well as a metal band called “Defetus”. I teach guitar lessons and busk regularly. I am also a radio host on Access Radio’s Metal Heads Radio (NZ Metal), and Black & Blues Radio (blues and soul) shows. I am also regularly involved in charity events. My love of music began at an early age, having a wide interest in genres ranging from Reggae and Blues to Rock and Metal, and a few in between. [email protected]

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