Album Review: TeenageJuvenileDelinquentRocknRollHorrorBeachParty

Boom! Boom! Deluxe

Review by LouClementine // 20 March 2019
Album Review: Teenagejuveniledelinquentrocknrollhorrorbeachparty 1

Boom! Boom! Deluxe! are an Auckland-based four piece and this month they release their new album TeenageJuvenileDelinquentRocknRollHorrorBeachParty.

From the opening track of their new album Boom! Boom! Deluxe impart a fun, retro sound which made me want to don a swing dress, apply red lippy and go in search of a vinyl-playing jukebox (and a dance partner).

The album is fast-paced, energetic and rarely let’s up. It is a confident output and an enjoyable listen, and it really feels like the band are having a good time too.

What the album also shows off is what four musicians invested in 1950/60’s rock n roll and rockabilly can bring to the genre in a contemporary setting. It’s not a new sound, but it is nostalgic, well-produced and I’m a particular fan of the double bass which is interwoven throughout the album tracks.

The slightly seductive track Slap My Bottom made me smile and then laugh, the breathy rendition is reminiscent of starlets of the 1950’s and yet it had a cheeky tone to it. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, I can imagine it will be a good track to hear live.

The finger clicking and opening notes of Everybody Rolls typifies the album, it’s infectious listening and catching the band on their upcoming tour will be a great chance to enjoy the entertainment and performance factor that this band bring to their music.

Another favourite was Dial M for Murder with its harmonica playing and twanging guitar solo, had pace and energy. TeenageJuvenileDelinquentRocknRollHorrorBeachParty is an entertaining album which is sure to be a hit amongst fans new and established.

Boom! Boom! Deluxe!’s new release is out 29 March 2019.

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