One Day Of Freedom
‘One Day Of Freedom’ Lyrics
one day of freedom one day of life
one day we’ll rise together
with this song we’ll unite
stand up in a crowd with no name
stand up and show your new face
lets see a new face right nows your
freedom, now step it up again
this is your second chance
stand up in a crowd with no name
stand up and show your new face
right nows your freedom right nows your life,
right now we rise together
with this song we unite, we unite
todays your freedom todays your life
today we rise together today we unite
‘Forfeit’ Lyrics
how come my scares melt away
how come my mind disapates
how come my candle melts away
how come my life
forfeit forfeit forfeit forfeit
it is the hardest thing to say but help
will help you lead the way
i will stay true for you sake
i will stay true for my sake
i’ve felt my scares melt away
i’ve felt my mind disapate
i’ve seen my candle melt away i felt my life
forfeit forfeit forfeit forfeit
now is the rest of your life
Lead By Example
‘Lead By Example’ Lyrics
i‘ll be the kill switch to disarm you
cause you dont know how or when to
step up and lead by example
pocess the power to rise
i won’t be like you and not by your truth
cause you don’t know how to
step up and lead by example
pocess the power to rise
step up and lead by example
Truth Be Told
‘Truth Be Told’ Lyrics
its so hard to look up when you cant
look down upon me
this is my opion truth be told
this is my decision truth be told
it’s so hard when the only
pride you have is the pride in yourself
this is my opinion truth be told
this is my desicion truth be told
this is my opinion truth be told
truth be told
It's Come To This
‘It’s Come To This’ Lyrics
you dig in to deep to bury my past
there is no future for you
you had your chance
its come to this you mucked it up again
its come to this i was your only friend
its come to this you mucked it up again
its come to this this shit wont ever mend
break the cycle
i forgot my past now where my future
ill live my life with out you
no more involved
its come to this you mucked it up
Father Figure
‘Father Figure’ Lyrics
brought in this world
without no fears with out no tears
cause that i know that you are here
but now your gone
bring back the tears bring back the fears
cause now i know that your not here
i am your son i am your son
you are my father figure
help me to understand to live my life
become the man don’t leave me here
with here but the more i see the more she’ll do
i am you father figure you are my son
understand im not the man you thought i was
but ill be there for you just be cause
step up to the plate thats what you told me
thats what i will be learning without you