The Hootź ‘Stay Away’ understands your hangover

6 May 2022
The Hootź 'stay Away' Understands Your Hangover

The lads from The Hootź are back with a track to help your crusty Sunday’s a touch more bearable. Speaking from experience, Stay Away is all about that feeling you get after a big bad night on the sauce, and the inevitable struggle to come: The hazy memory, the heavy head, the crook guts… but ya keep going back for more, stuck in the cycle (I mean, we all love a drink or 10 right?)

Generally, The Hootź write their music instrumentally first at their weekly band practices, starting with a dope riff or steezy progression from lead writers Mitchell Bowely-Black (Lead Guitar) and Jahquinn Black (Vocals). In this situation, the boys were sure they were after a chill vibe, but as it evolved, Jah couldn’t resist laying out a punchy riff with an explosive solo from Mitch to wrap it up, as though they were ready to smash another brewski (weekend looming…) Jah went to work on the lyrics and the final touches came through in the next practice before they took the song to LoHo studios in Christchurch. Running it straight and true with the wizard behind the desk, Josh Logan, and help from Eddie Kiesanowski and Tyler Robbins (Pretty Stooked), Stay Away reached its epic conclusion.

What should you take from this track? It’s best said by The Hootź themselves: “We’d like to think people can relate to the topic as NZ has a pretty large drinking culture, and basically everyone we know froths a bev. We also want you to jam this shit every Sunday.” No excuses team, every Shundae!

Expect 1 or 2 more singles in the next few months, followed by an EP towards the end of the year, which will show you exactly where The Hootź are taking you sonically. But to best understand these lads, you’d better get on down to a live show and share a forthy with them because they are absolutely electric on the stage. I’ll be the first to say it: “I can’t seem to Stay Away”

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