Songwriters’ Showcase ramping it up in 2021

10 February 2021
Songwriters’ Showcase Ramping It Up In 2021

Songs6021 and Moon1 are pleased to announce that the successful Songwriters Showcase concert series will be stepping it up from one to two shows a month during 2021.

The shows each feature three local songwriters presenting a full set of their own compositions, in concert format at Moon1 in Newtown on Sunday evenings . Since they started in February 2019, 18 shows have been held (despite Covid disruption) featuring a total of 36 local performers.

From May this year shows will run on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

While shows have featured a few nationally established names, such as Bill Lake and Daren Watson, the focus of the shows is on developing local songwriters and performers. For several this has been their first opportunity to feature a full 40 minute set of their own songs in a concert setting.

The shows came about after Songs6021 organiser Don Mackay returned to playing music after a 30 odd year sabbatical and began haunting the local open mic scene. He found that there was no shortage of people around Wellington writing and performing good quality original music, but that performance opportunities for them were lacking.

“People were trapped in a cycle of playing 3 song sets at open mics, or sneaking a handful of original songs into their pub cover-band set. The next step on the ladder, where they got to stand up a full feature set of their own material, simply seemed to be missing.”

The aim of the shows has been to fill that gap.

A successful 3 month trial, in early in 2019, led to the shows becoming an ongoing series, that has proven a hit with both performers and punters. Mackay observes that the response from performers has been particularly gratifying.

“Folk are not just turning up with a longer version of an open mic set. They are really seeing the opportunity to put on the best show they can, with many bringing backing bands, or combos specifically put together for the occasion.”

For the audience this is an opportunity to enjoy the depth and variety of quality music being created in the city in a relaxed setting, and the chance to “see them before they are famous”.

Each show attempts to present a mix of musical genres and ages groups. This gives performers the chance to get in front of a wider audience than their usual audience demographic, while giving the audience a chance to hear a wider range of music then they might usually encounter.

To maintain the concert style atmosphere, tickets are limited to 100 for each show.

Tickets will be available online via Eventfinda for $12, or at the door at $10 door for people who scan the Covid tracer app, or $15 for any who do not.

Upcoming dates and lineups are:

February 21 – Danica Bryant, Mike “Dr Blue” and Seamus Johnson

March 21 – Terry Shore, Steph Casey and Charlotte Yates

April 18 – Dee, Nigel Parry/Southgate Ridge and Rubita

Dates for the rest of the year:

May 2 and 16

June 6 and 20

July 4 and 18

August 1 and 15

September 5 and 19

October 3 and 17

November 7 and 21

Photo: Scott Pilgrim and supporting case from August 2019 show