Paper Cranes release date for ‘The Road Home’

4 December 2014
Paper Cranes Release Date For 'the Road Home'

Folk group Paper Cranes 折り鶴 are ​happy to announce the release date of their album, The Road Home.

Sometimes a journey starts one way and ends another. You head out on one path and end up choosing the road less taken. The Road Home is about travelling and everything that adventure brings: excitement and alienation, homesickness and new friendships, getting lost and re-finding yourself. And how you feel when you make your way home.

​A​fter receiving a NZ On Air grant for ‘Little Darling’, songwriters Fraser & Naomi Browne spent most of 2014 writing songs. ​Largely recorded at Roundhead studios​, the album was produced and mixed by Nic Manders (Lydia Cole, Ezra Vine) and mastered at Masterdisk New York by Andy VanDette.​

The Road Home will be released March 20, 2015, with the first single out soon.

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