New York City Punk Rock Institution comes to Auckland

18 January 2013
New York City Punk Rock Institution Comes To Auckland

New York City’s eagerly anticipated ‘Ding Dong Lounge’ opens this week to eager Auckland punk fans and rock fans alike. Mat Jorgensen (Forte Bar) and Damon Kenzo (Former New York Ding Dong Lounge DJ) have been given permission to open one of New Yorks most celebrated punk rock establishments here in New Zealand.

Founded in 2001 by Bill Nolan, the original Ding Dong Lounge first opened on the upper west side of Manhattan and slowly grew a following of talented artists, writers, actors and musicians.

Then in 2003, close personal friend Bill Walsh opened the Ding Dong Lounge in Melbourne, branding itself with a live gig atmoshpere that has easily upheld the Ding Dongs furious rock reputation.

And now in 2013 Jorgensen and Kenzo have been chosen to follow in the footsteps of its awe inspiring predecessors, pooling the incredible wealth of talent that New Zealand has to offer, and dole it out to the unsuspecting public.

The bar is located at 26 Wyndham Street and is now open Wednesday – Saturday weekly, 8:00pm to 4:00am.

The official grand opening party will be on the 26th of this month with a live performance from Rackets and numerous guest DJ’s including Mikey Havoc. The event will start as invites only from 8:00pm and open to the public from midnight. This will be a night to remember, marking the beginning of a landmark establishment in New Zealand.

Ding Dong Lounge
26 Wyndham Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand
Phone: 09-377-4712
Hours: Wednesday – Saturday: 8.00pm – 04.00am

Ding Dong Lounge Official Grand Opening
Saturday 26 January 2013
8.00pm – Invites Only
Midnight – Open to the Public
With very special guests Rackets, DJ Mikey Havoc and more…

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