Don McGlashan stars in Trash Recital — FINAL episode out today

28 September 2023
Don Mcglashan Stars In Trash Recital — Final Episode Out Today

Under The Radar are thrilled to share their fifth episode of UTR presents Trash Recital Season 3 — starring Don McGlashan, produced by Sports Team and made with support from NZ On Air!

Watch Don McGlashan perform The Heater | Trash Recital Episode 5 Season 3 HERE.

Starring the legendary Don McGlashan, our new episode of Trash Recital is a happy / unhappy occasion, as it’s also our final episode of Trash Recital! Immeasurable thanks to Annabel Kean and Callum Devlin of Sports Team, the crew and all the artists for making what we believe has been the most inventive, informative, entertaining, and all around very best Aotearoa music feature series of any kind from 2021 to 2023. Special thanks to NZ On Air for their support in transforming a wild idea into a whopping 26 episodes of genuine gusto, passion, killer tunes (plus how good is that Trash Recital theme?), gripping yarns, and alarmingly off-the-cuff teaser trailers. We’re collectively pulling the plug by choice not necessity, as we’re cooking up a whole new plan for 2024 — watch this space.

2023 New Zealand Music Hall of Fame Inductee Don McGlashan (The Mutton Birds, Blam Blam Blam, The Front Lawn, From Scratch) joined us in the Trash Zone for our grand finale with his all-star band The Others — Chris O’Connor (SJD, The Phoenix Foundation), James Duncan (SJD, Dimmer), Anita Clark (Motte) and Mark Bell (Blam Blam Blam). Currently extensively touring his chart-topping latest album Bright November Morning, McGlashan opened up the songbook to play a clanking new DIY rendition of The Mutton Birds’ 1994 classic The Heater.

For each episode of Trash Recital we’ve invited some of our favourite Aotearoa artists into the UTR studios to perform one of their songs, re-created using everyday items selected from Sports Team’s stockpile of recycled junk. Trash Recital not only provides a launchpad for stunning reimaginings of recent (and soon to be) classic tunes, but also the perfect opportunity for a chinwag with our local musical heroes.