Decades Announces Intimate 4-Date Tour

30 May 2018

Celebrating the end of the ‘The Truth’ era with the 6th and final single release from the album of the same name, Decades will be performing a range of tracks from their debut such as singles Terrified, The Right Mistake and If It Kills Me, and may also offer a preview of new tracks they have been working on before they head to the studio to begin production on their follow up record this year.
“It feels a bit like a ‘hello/goodbye’ or ‘hello/see you soon’ tour for us as we can allow ourselves to throw our full weight in to the next record after this tour”, says front-person Emma Cameron. “I suppose it’s going to be our last opportunity to play shows where we only have one record to pull material from, which is an odd feeling for us. How on earth do you choose what to play when you’ve got more than one record?! We can’t wait to find out. We look forward to celebrating with our fans and friends on the road – see you out there.”
Playing four intimate venues in Dunedin, Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington, these will be shows packed full of energy (and people!) not to be missed.

Friday 13th July – Empire, Christchurch 

Saturday 14th July – Fifty Gorillas, Dunedin 

Friday 20th July – Whammy Bar, Auckland 

Saturday 21st July – Caroline, Wellington


Support acts TBC.

Tickets on sale 12pm Friday from

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