Black Velvet Butterfly’s ‘White Lady’ Set For Release 11 October

3 October 2019
Black Velvet Butterfly's 'white Lady' Set For Release 11 October

Set for a release date of Friday 11 October on all leading digital sites, White Lady is a Gothic Metal song about a common malevolent spirit found on roads throughout the world. The White Lady isn’t just myth, this time of spirit is real and numerous and brought back to life in this epic song.

This is the second release from the group which formed in March 2019. Their first release O.M.G (Oh My Goth) established a modest following on social media and gained over 1.3k views for the animated video on YouTube in just over a month. With so much positive feedback in the comments section and a 5-star review from, Black Velvet Butterfly are feeling encouraged and optimistic about their second release.


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