Bittercup Puts The Sex On Bottom And The Piss On Top With New Song ‘Napkin’

10 September 2019
Bittercup Puts The Sex On Bottom And The Piss On Top With New Song 'napkin'

On Friday the 13th of September Bittercup gets hard with the release of his new song Napkin, available on Bandcamp, Spotify and Apple Music.

After releasing his debut EP Negative Space, a bleak but undeniably endearing collection of alt-rock gems” (Happy Mag) and touring them semi-acoustically around the North Island, Bittercup is back with a new offering dripping with post-punk viscera and heralding the beginning of an indie-rock band approach to his bad trip of a live show.

“I managed to score myself some free studio time and this song is a fan favourite“, says Bittercup of the song’s production. “So I worked on getting the performances perfect for two months and then sacrificed my body and mind recording the whole song in my one day of free studio time. I also got the whole day documented for a Facebook video playlist.“

Bittercup (Callum Wagstaff) received a kidney transplant in late 2018 after 9 years on renal dialysis. This allowed him to commit himself to performing music regularly and he began recording songs he had been making demos of since he became ill. As such the music is often desperately dark and uncomfortably intense, tempered with a black humor delivered in the deadest of dead-pans.



New Plymouth, New Zealand

Recorded at Rhythm Ace studio in Oakura

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