Anecdata Release New Album ‘If I Was PM…’

8 June 2023
Anecdata Release New Album 'if I Was Pm...'

If I Was PM… is the new album from Auckland-based Anecdata – thirty-two and a half minutes of pop melodies buried in biting guitars, fuzzy synths and growling bass.

Things kick off with the furious Misery in Charge, which begins with the album’s title and layers Numan-style keyboards on top of Nirvana-style chords.

The current sorry state of the country, if not world, is a recurring theme – I’m a Landlord cuts to the core of how being a wealthy and successful parasite must feel, switching between off-kilter indie pop and swirling psychedelia, and Trickle-Up uncovers truth in reversing the long-discredited economic theories of the 1980’s that still seem to dominate our politics.

Big Oil and The Bike Song tackle the cluster**** that is Auckland’s traffic system (sounds a lot better on speakers than on paper!) while Need a Million Dollars uses surreal imagery and Weezer/Cheap Trick power-chords to state the obvious, really.

If I Was PM… was written, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered (phew) entirely from scratch by a guy living in West Auckland, literally in his bedroom. In a departure from previous Anecdata efforts, all the bass parts and 95% of the guitars were recorded live using amps and microphones, rather than using computers, giving the album a lively, rockier sound than before.

Check it out on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music or anywhere else music is on the internet.

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