Newsletter Interview: DEAF


Interview by darryl baser // 30 October 2018

The band DEAF have only been together a few months but have just supported Peter Murphy and David J or Bauhaus. Darryl from and Luke from DEAF sat at their respective computers and had a chat.

Wow talk about a meteoric rise. So how long have you been together?

Really since the turn of the year – things have moved quite quickly since we put out the first single Truancy in May.

Have y’all been in bands before: if who’s been in what?

Craig and I (Luke) were in Sunken Seas for a long time, Sunken Seas are on hiatus but if you’re reading this guys, call me.

I assume it was pretty cool opening for Peter and David: What was/were highlights?

It was a great honour to be asked – the highlight for me personally was how nice Peter Murphy was, more people in music should take a leaf from his book, haha.

What inspires your music, both melodically and lyrically?

Musically we’re into a bunch of different stuff really, so what does appear, comes out organically without too much thinking, which is great.

Lyrically it’s all sorts of things but it can be a weird hotchpotch of abstract existentialism, daft situations and people, both living and dead that, for better or worse, have fascinated me. Usually for the worse though, ha.

I see you’ve got a couple of songs out: where are you in the writing, recording, releasing, promoting cycle of events…

At time of writing we are just putting out our first release an EP entitled The DEAF EP on Halloween 31/10. We’ve a local Wellington Eyegum show at San Francisco Bathhouse on 21/11/2018. We’ll be playing with Hiboux (S/O to them, they have helped us a lot) in February next year.”

Apart from supporting half of Bauhaus, where else have you been playing, done Ak, Ch or Dn yet – and plans to

We got up to Auckland in September and were really blown away with the response. Plans are in the offing to get down to Dunedin and Christchurch, I always loved playing down In Dunedin, the history, and the people. Craig and I have fond memories of pulling an octopus out of a bottle in Port Chalmers. Maybe Australia next year too, life permitting.

Where was the EP recorded, who with and where is it being mastered?

Recorded with a talented man called James Goldsmith at Blue Barn studios in March ’18. I always thoroughly enjoy working with him because he’s not afraid to push you a little bit, and whilst we don’t agree on everything – especially his love of coriander – we find a happy medium.

Mastered by Mike Gibson over at Munki Mastering in Miramar, Wellington, he’s a stalwart of the Wellington scene and a gentleman.

What’s next for Deaf?

Write some new bleedin’ songs I’d say! Put out a full length-er. Play some shows. Rinse, repeat, enjoy ourselves.

Gotta ask who came up with the name: when I saw it, I thought ‘bastards, someone’s beaten me to the coolest band name’…

Young Captain Mat Machray came up with that one. Generally, we wanted to be called Death without being called Death. I was glad it stuck!

About the interviewer darryl baser

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