Known Associates Newsletter Interview

Known Associates

Interview by Lisa Jones // 12 July 2011
Known Associates Newsletter Interview 2


What inspired you to start Known Associates?
The sheer excitement of recording an album with a kick-arse live band.

How do you describe Known Associates’ music?
Using some of our fans reference points:

It’s like ‘Bob Dylan’ joined ‘Them Crooked Vultures’ … the missing link between ‘the Stones’ and ‘Dr Feelgood’!

What advice would you like to give to other aspiring musicians?
Don’t ever let the truth get in the way of a good story.

How did you come up with the name Known Associates?
Well , the cops turned up at my work one day asking for our lead guitarist Grant Wills.

I said: “ No idea where he is , why are you asking me ?

Guy pulls out his notepad and says: “We have you as one of his known associates”

I said: “Great band name “…… and it stuck!

How do you keep in contact with your fans?
We’re anti-rockstar, an elusive lot really – fans can find us, but they have to look hard!

What can we expect to see from Known Associates over the next year?
We’ve just released our debut album ‘Penny Love’ and also have 3 new boy cubs born into the band, so we’ll be catching up on a bit of sleep and doing some album promotions.

How do you come up with your lyrics?
Lyrics just seem to sneak through the ether whenever I stumble on a cool guitar melody.

For me, they always follow the music, which seems to open a lyric tap somewhere.

What is in your CD collection at home?
An A to Z of guitar music from acoustic singer-songwriters through to metal, and then of course there’s Miles Davis.

What is your favourite NZ venue? |
The St James in Auckland – fingers crossed we get it back one day.

What can you never leave home without?
A song in my head.

What rumour would you like to start about Known Associates?
We were all raised in the forest by a she-wolf.

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About the interviewer Lisa Jones

I’m Lisa, Muzic.NZ’s founder and manager. I also manage the Aotearoa Music Industry Collective as well as the Aotearoa Rock Community and the Gig Space Facebook groups. I’ve been interested in music for as long as I can remember – I grew up listening to my parent’s records and watching the Top 40 Countdown on TV every weekend. I also played the drums and guitar in high school, and wrote lyrics for some of my friend’s bands. I come from a musical background; my Granddad was one of the main founders of country music clubs in Taranaki. Rock is my favourite genre of music, but I enjoy a huge variety of genres from old school hip-hop through to metal, punk, pop, folk and EDM. My advice to NZ musicians is to build yourself a great support network, never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and talk to

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