Your Face

Once there was a character named Barnes who heard some albums and dreamed of being a punk rock star. But it was the 90’s in Queenstown and literally no-one cared. Fast forward 20 years and a revolving cast of musicians helped create the most meaty nz punk since AK79. The sound of 70’s and 80’s punk brought to your ears now!

Filled with irrelevant themes from all decades and raging against the me-chine this is the essential band for those that don’t quite know what they’re doing with their life and have decided to listen to it. Good on you. You’re here now and you’re reading something about something. Martin Phillipps once said of Your Face’s predecessor band, The Restrainers: “They’re punk but they’re not quite sure if they’re allowed to do it or not – kind of conservative punk”. Your Face continues very much in that emotional tradition.

The band occupies the space between anarchism and self-restriction. A place where there very much is the requirement to be a dick about it lyrically speaking, but don’t take words too seriously, because musically it’s fun times in a variety of styles: From the ska sounds of Helmetless and Anarchy Now to the pure punk of Punkamania, the hardcoreish Run and the more drawn out preachy Wallpaper Music and New Zealand and even the oi ‘haka’ of You’re Going To Die.

Your Face are:

Andrew Rutherford (vocals)
Eden Smith (guitar)
Joseph Horrell (bass)
Gary Bent (drums)

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