The Snares

The debut album from The Snares came sneaking down the streets of Dunedin, New Zealand earlier this year, following in the city’s small but substantial tradition of self released records.

‘Something Happened on the Way to Heaven’ is a sound explosion characterised by new buzz saw driven riffs, with low tuning for extra crackle, screeching slide guitar with traversing melodies, vocals with soul and lyrics with bite and which have a story to tell and, lurking beneath are beatsy rhythms irresistible to the point where they change song directions.

This is not your average record, from your average band, but an unusual masterpiece from a relatively unknown genesis. It picks off the flesh and restructures the bones of rock n’ roll.

Just like The Snares’ live shows, that blister and consume, this record will seep into your soul. In a big wooden attic, over the course of a weekend, life was captured on audiotape ­ most of the album’s 6 songs being recorded in single takes.

Sound seemed to seep from the band members’ seams with ease. Mixing and mastering was a more detailed affair but with young upstart Tom Bell’s (Arclife) deft touch at the desk it all came together as it should.

While The Snares use no bass player, Brett Moodie currently plays bass in Dunedin band Zoo Polluters who are soon to record in a big wooden attic… Brett previously also played, along with Max Funke, in Angel Thinks Demon.

Max has appeared with a variety of other bands over the last couple of years as guitarist, cellist and vocalist.

Mike’s (Dooley) previous bands include Snapper, The Enemy, Toy Love and The Dri Horrors.

The predecessor to The Snares was The Beaters, a duo featuring Funke and Dooley. The Beaters thrashed out a rhythmic accompaniment at several parties before enlisting Moodie to add an extra layer of guitar.

The Snares’ sound is one that mutates with each new song and although the feckless have tried to pin them down, they have to be heard – as is often said in reference to music, you just have to be there.

The above was a press release following the release of ‘Something Happened On The Way To Heaven’ – June 2002

The Snares are:

Mike Dooley
Max Funke
Brett Moodie

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