The Fea Street Hustle

The Fea Street Hustle

The Fea Street Hustle finally got their EP out! Buy it and support local music!

Hustle first evolved in September 2006 when two lonely, confused,melancholic, & socially challenged wayward preacher’s sons decided to deal with the apparent futility of existence in the most base and primal manner known to post-colonial western society- the embracing and expressing of one’s inner turmoil through country music. Gareth Bedford and Emerson Yeoman decided to take this much loved form, which in its various manifestations had been a soundtrack to life since their earliest years in the semi-rural small-town New Zealand we all love so well, and inject it with a shot of the prevalent indy-alternative aesthetic of Dunedin City – the great bastion of New Zealand creative culture where the Hustle reside and where many great New Zealanders have cut their creative teeth.

They soon realised there was one man, and one man only, who could give this form of country song the raw on-stage energy it required. Enter long-time friend, the irrepressible ‘Animal-esqe’ (ala The Muppets) drummer, Matty Hegan. Matty fitted the bill perfectly not only on account of his infectious energy (not to mention his many infectious other things) but because Matty’s roots were also in small town New Zealand. Once upon a time Matty even milked cows – before he discovered the Dead Kennedys, dyed and spiked his hair, got a studded belt, and several tatoos – and subsequently got ‘hustled’ out of the dairy shed on the end of a rusty pitchfork, yet he too had felt the call of the big city life with its creative freedoms and intellectual stimulation.

This early 3-piece manifestation of the Hustle had only two practices before they all agreed there was still a vital link missing, but what this was no one could tell. They floundered around like a lost little puppy in a vat of Johnny Walker Black Label for a few weeks until…In jets the legendary jonnyscreech (guitarist, general sonic-meltdown administrator, and resident Kierkegaard expert), from the northern cultural hub of Wellington. Jonny picked up the floundering puppy by the scruff of the neck, removed it from the aforementioned vat, tenderly wrung it out, and said those famous words (in his now well know ‘quasi-northern-urban-punktry-drawl) “Anyone roun’ these parts know’v any bands in dire need’v a sonic meltdown administrator?”

The Hustle, acutely aware of what religious leaders and theosophizers in years to come would universally refer to as a ‘jonnyscreech shaped hole’ deep in their heart replied, “Yessir” – and the Fea Sreet Hustle quartet was made complete.

First and foremost The Hustle aim to make music which is fun, energetic, creative, and progressive while staying true to its country roots. Their live performances aim to involve the audience in the show, making damn sure everyone has a good time y’hear!? They seek to put on a show which sees every toe tapping, every girl dragging her man to the dance floor, and a smile slapped across the dial of every face in the whole damn place.

The Fea Street Hustle are:

Jonny Screech (lead guitar)
Emerson Yeoman (lead vocals, guitar)
Matty Hegan (drums)
Gareth ‘G’ Bedford (bass)

Releases by The Fea Street Hustle

Articles & Media Featuring The Fea Street Hustle