The Enright House is probably something of chimera in terms of sound: instead of being one third lion, one third she-goat, and one third serpent, however, we are probably more one part indie-pop, one rather large part post-rock and one rather not-so-large part electronica.
The press have described our sound as anything from “pop as pop should be” to “skittery percussion, ethereal drones with metallic resonances, and disturbingly atmospheric sounds…”. Think Death Cab For Cutie meets Mogwai. Sigur Ros meets Pinback. Philip Glass meets a distortion pedal. Poetry meets numbers. Up meets down. Light meets the drain-pipe.
In performance, The Enright House incorporates live and mechanized drums, synths, field recordings, poetry and a lot of guitars, the latter of which are typically manipulated with bows, screws, bottle caps, glass rods, chopsticks, copper wire, stainless steal picks, some love, some violence, and a handful of derelict effects.
The Enright House are:
Mark V Roberts (guitar, synth, bass, vocals, melodica, programming)