Born in Wellington and raised in Cannons Creek, Porirua, music has been the epicentre for Temple Jones most of her life. Throughout her life music has been an influence in many different forms. From performing in stage shows at school to performing with the now defunct crew Bella Healing.

A highlight in her career was attaining a final spot in the first B.R.A.G. Battle (a freestyle battle). Four years on she continues to write, record and perform her own work with different producers and artists, during this time gaining a loyal following nationwide.

Now she has made the move from Porirua to Auckland to further her solo career. A commitment to herself and her music. She has featured on ‘Major Flavours 5’ bonus disc with her song ‘Back 2 The Books’ and the bootleg track ‘F**k That’ featuring USouljah both songs receiving airplay over the B-nets across the country. The mixtape business has also kept Temple Jones busy with appearances on ‘Family First’, ‘Disruptiv’ vol 2 and 4, ‘Wreck Centre’, ‘Stealth 2’ and ‘Askew’s Self Taught mixtapes’, and as of late featured on Tyna and JB’s album unbreakable.