Moe Brown Invercargill born maori hybird artist/musician/producer/singer/engineer/and more… Making Hiphop RNB Reggae tracks in his hometown (The Deep south).
Currently woking on his EP (Moe Brown) due to release at the end of 2009. The EP explores ranges of the talant in the deep south, which will include local artists and MC’s that will feature on the album,
“When i was back in school i was like the bad boy not really i was just having fun in class always doing my own thing,class clowning everyday always making noises with my mouth id alway get kicked out of class, then teachers would say (so what you gona do for your career how are you going to survive if your not going to pay atention and do your work, i would say (music) i Always knew from a litte man that music would be my life and career becuase that was and is my dream. but still think learning the basics of school is important too.”