Hunt The Witch

Hunt The Witch

Auckland band Hunt The Witch began when Bevan Carbines (guitar) and Anthony Lakin (bass) started jamming on ideas in 2013 where a solid foundation of heavy sonic riffs were laid.

Jason Peters (drums and formally of Pumpkinhead) joined a while later and they continued to write songs as a three piece.

The last ingredient required was vocals and so Sam Whitley entered into the fray, whose vocal range, personality and writing abilities were the glue needed to complete the line up, from the first rehearsal it was crystal clear that the line up was going to work well together.

2015 saw the release of the 5 track EP “Into The Black” with a dynamic mix of melodic power, spellbinding psychedelic rock and hypnotic arrangements.

After Anthony departed the band, Jason Clarke picked up the Bass and helped finish off the latest Album “Strange Gods”.

Hunt The Witch now has a new bass player – Andrew Woods, Andy brings a solid low end sound and years of musical experience to HTW.

Hunt The Witch are:

Sam Whitley (vocals)
Bevan Carbines (guitar)
Jason Peters (drums)
Andrew Woods (bass)