Four piece idiots who have been so wrapped up with there debut album that it has taken nearly four years to find the sound they liked and stick with it. Well…finally the album is done and the lads are workin together to piece a great icon vidclip together.
HARM members have freeflow jammed together on and off for near ten years now, so were are gettin up there with the oldies almost….na….not friggin likely. We just never took it seriously enough until the last few years but have been blessed to get funding to build a studio…buy the shit and record….like a hundred times it feels like. All good….fingers warmed up for the good exposure gigs now and Harmsters will be hitting the road in the next coupla months for there first national tour of NBZ (NEW BLOODY ZEALAND)….Friggin Yay! Look Out for the HARM self titled album….out real soon!!! H-Bomb (keyboards)
YEAh bro kinda feels like that aye!!! ha ha, we have since gone through a number of transitional changes, all of them being for the better ,we decided not so long ago to add some spice and mix it up a little, as hadman said what started as a 4 piece in a dirty old mud shed, and a couple of beers and many jams, we soon realised that we actually had something going, we have since turned and evolved into a six piece, and have been experimenting with a lot of different genres ,including classic 70″s rock,funk ,progressive country rock,ska,jazz,roots reggae and of course metal,its so damn hard to describe our sound or influences to people, as it is such a mixed bag ,with a multitude of vocals and harmonies, 2 guitarists,bass ,drums and keyboards,we have been indulging in the pleasures of tasting many styles, and thus not limiting our sound to one specific genre, we are now ready to release our debut album for may 2007 with 12 tracks covering many differnt genres so have a listen to our material and see what you think
Kia Kaha, and keep it green kiwis 🙂
Russ (vocals)
Harm are:
Russell Beaumont (vocals)
Rat Ryder (bass, vocals)
Richard Simpson (drums/percussion)
Hadleigh Oudemans (keyboard/piano/vocals)
Mark Gillespie(rythem guitar/vocals)
Bruce Tutten(lead guitar)