Flash Harry is debut solo release from Barnaby Weir, the acclaimed singer-songwriter from The Black Seeds, Dub Connection and Fly My Pretties, but these reference points mean little to Flash Harry.

“The songs are combinations of lots of ideas and older songs reworked and moulded. Each song has its own direction and meaning. They’re personal songs, late night illusions and adventurous do das.”

“It was a long process, lots of late nights, lots of listening and planning and re-writing, then mix-master extraordinaire Lee Prebble took hold of it and helped me finish it and add character to the whole which is this album.”

“Flash Harry has many different elements. It’s not genre specific, and therefore hard to pigeon hole. It has funk and electro, but also rock and dub flavours. It’s slick, but raw too. I think it’s surprising, certainly not what you’d expect. Some of the tracks have a certain radio shine while others will be like a bull in your china shop for some listeners. What is it? Is it dance? dub? rock? pop? Who cares where you think it fits. It just does. It is Flash Harry.”

The album also features contributions from Wellington musicians like Fat Freddy’s Drop’ hornman Toby Laing and LOOP Recordings Aot(ear)roa artist 50Hz, who as well as mastering the LP adds a remix of hoary rockgod proportions to the track I Love Lo-Fi.

Flash Harry are:

Barnaby Weir