Dick Raine & Dick’s Guns is a project started during lockdown bringing together great talented friends from all over the world.  

Dick wrote four songs, sent them to four different vocalists and told them to sing about what they felt through the music. The result is an exploration into many concepts and ideas dealing with the world today.

Guests on the EP include: 

Gareth Scott (Landslide/Freaks Of The Deep), Adrian Drew (Investigator), Fleur Jack (The Twitch/The W Lovers) Wesley Wood (The W Lovers), Matt Billington (5th Threat/Myth Of Democracy) and Dave Hine (Missing Teeth/The Murderchord).

Dick Raine are:

Gareth Scott
Adrian Drew
Fleur Jack
Wesley Wood
Matt Billington
Dave Hine

Articles & Media Featuring Dick Raine