Callum Gentleman

Callum Gentleman

Callum Gentleman plays blues/folk noir with the odd dash of country. It’s Nick Cave meets The Smiths in a dark alley where they conspire to kidnap Bob Dylan and move to New Zealand. It’s Tom Waits sharing a bottle of moonshine with Leonard Cohen at 4am while binge watching Twin Peaks (original season).

He’s a raconteur, trouper, chancer, and murder ballad lover. But above all, Callum Gentleman is a storyteller.

These stories come out as songs, poems, campfire yarns, whiskey-soaked bar banter. Stories about good people doing bad things, and bad people who try hard to be good…but often fail. Stories of fallen angels staring to heaven, contrite demons yearning for redemption, down-and-out junkies scrounging for a dollar, the devil gets it on with the wrong hooker. Stories told in a child’s whisper, a father’s tears, and a drunk man’s roar.

Callum started playing in Paris and London before returning home to New Zealand, where he’s done numerous national tours. In May 2017 he did his first Australian tour, and liked it so much he returned to play more gigs in November. 2018 sees him adding an American tour to the list.

He often performs with allies Joel Vinsen (guitar) and Sam Loveridge (violin) beside him, but is just as happy flying solo. He’s played gigs with artists such as Tami Neilson, Marlon Williams, Tiny Ruins, Will Wood, Hopetoun Brown, Nadia Reid, Reb Fountain, Delaney Davidson, Bond Street Bridge, Great North and The
Eastern. Callum is also one half of poetry/experimental guitar duo Panhandlers.