After the typical post-high school band breakup and a quick stint at an audio engineering school, Amnesia Jones quit his dead-end retail gig selling guitars in Auckland, New Zealand. Ditching the rat race to move even further from civilization, settling in Waihi Beach.
Building a life on wheels, including a shoebox-sized home studio, he went to work creating a self-sufficient, self-sustaining sound. Keeping everything “in-house,” contrary to the twenty man songwriter teams prevalent in these last twenty years. In typical Kiwi DIY fashion; “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
Also contrarian, dropping an entirely independent debut album in February 2019, unknown and unannounced. Amnesia Jones hopes to break through the haystack.
Letting the music speak for itself.
Bluesy, funky, jazzy, electronic, hopefully soulful, rockish music.