Ghost Echoes EP

Ghost Echoes

Review by Lanae // 7 July 2008
Ghost Echoes

Punk music in this country seems to be in one of its periodic lulls at the moment. Which is why it is always exciting when a new band with genuine promise comes along – such as Aucklanders Ghost Echoes.

Open Wounds is the debut release from the four-piece, with seven songs in 20 minutes. Things kick-off in energetic fashion with the bristling “Freedom” that blends new school punk with a more ragged post-hardcore sound and some tasteful lead guitar fills. The next high-point comes with the almost melancholic title track, followed by “Wake Up”, boasting the best chorus of the EP.

The Sommerset influence lies heavily across Open Wounds, but that is no bad thing. It remains a sound fairly rare in this country, and Ghost Echoes fill the void nicely. As a new band, undoubtedly a more distinct sound will develop as they evolve, but for now this EP is clear evidence of significant promise. The songwriting is a little raw, but the sonic choices are all intelligent and there a nary a misstep across the entire disc.

A deft blend of emotion and power, Open Wounds is an excellent debut from a band making all the right sounds.

-Review by Matt @

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