Moonlight EP Review

Ruby Frost

Review by Christabel Kennett // 9 March 2011
Moonlight Ep Review 1

So this is not normally the type of music I would be drawn to. After listening to this 4 track EP numerous times over, I think that it’s time to broaden my horizons. The first thing I love is the title track ‘Moonlight’ features twice, as 2 different mixes. The first is more melodic and radio friendly, the other more of a dance track. Both good, both different, and a really clever way to show Ruby’s versatility as a recording artist.

For me personally I prefer the first track, but that’s just me. It belongs on the radio where many more people can enjoy it. From the opening lyrics of ‘Goodnight’ I am instantly reminded of Bjork because of the almost playful style of singing. The lyrics are clever, the song flows really well and holds my interest to the point where I am disappointed when it finishes.

One of my pet hates is how repetitive songs are in this current market – definitely not something Ruby Frost can be accused of. ‘Pressure’ has more of a dance vibe again, heavy on the synthesizer. This would be my least favourite song on the EP because there is more focus on all the different sounds rather than the lyrics and the vocals. Still, if this is a taste of what Ruby Frost can deliver I’m certainly interested in a larger helping.

The music is current, clever, well written and catchy. I’m looking forward to a full length CD being released hopefully sooner rather than later.

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