Anger Management EP Review

Ninja Monkey

Review by Miss_Jukebox // 27 November 2012
Anger Management Ep Review 1

Pop-rock trio Ninja Monkey have released their debut EP Anger Management, a little taste of their full-throttle rock’n’roll drive. The EP consists of the very classic groove of ‘These Eyes’ with prodding guitar riffs and pounds of the drums, encrusted with dense rock harmonies. Lead vocalist Cara Ferguson has a genuine pop-rock sound, and embodies the gorgeous rock queen we all dream we were.

In ‘That Girl’ Ferguson eases us into heartache city, a song about pining love. ‘Never Enough’ is another infectiously head-nodding track and the final song of Anger Management ‘Ever After’ closes it off on a really strong note. Probably the highlight on the EP, it has beautifully tuned guitars, rolling drums and sumptuous vocals.

Hailing from the Hawkes Bay, the fairly recently formed band have been working hard to establish themselves as a core part of the NZ rock scene by playing support act to an array of esteemed artists, both local and international. Now it is time for the group to push their foot hard on the pedal, and they certainly jam it hard on Anger Management. Janise.

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