Album Review: London

Helen Henderson

Review by Ria Loveder // 5 July 2016
Album Review: London 1

London is an album, created by Helen Henderson and filled to the brim with 70s sounding folk and rock tunes.

Arriving as a young kiwi girl to the big city of London with nothing but $50 in her pocket she started her music career when her friends put her in contact with Nigel Grainge from Ensign Records.

The songs on this album are from the early days in Henderson’s career, ones she is glad to be able to “rescue rom a vault somewhere, dust them off, and humbly offer them up all these years later”.

This album is a collection of honest sounding rock and folk creations. It is unapologetically 70’s in its sound, capturing such a sacred time in music history. 

Windows Of Gold was one of my favourites on the track, an upbeat soulful sounding track with elements of Country and Rock. Henderson’s powerful backing of songs is accompanied by her rich textured voice.

Number seven on the album, Gentleman, really shone for me also, a beautiful piano introduction, later accompanied by Henderson’s vocals., an emotional track, one of the more sombre ones.

I would also like to mention that amazing photography used for this album, images taken on Henderson’s London journey. It is an intimate look into what her life was like when creating this music, plus I would like to add that the artwork for the CD is beautiful, Mandala styled with beautiful intricate designs.

This album pays homage to the music of a bygone era. It captures the essence and special time of the 70s on a ten track CD that will have you smiling.

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