Single Review: My Little Rugrat


Review by Ben Ruegg // 2 August 2020
Single Review: My Little Rugrat 1

Authentic and real; that’s the best way to describe the new track My Little Rugrat from TheOpHilus. True Hip-Hop has always been, in my mind, sampling and talking about how things are where you are right now. That’s not to say I think any less of other sub genres of Hip-Hop, but TheOpHilus captures the sort of Hip-Hop that I enjoy and I tip my hat to.

With a jazzy beat, TheOpHilus spills his heart out in what feels like a one-take recording. That gives it such incredible honesty. Speaking about his hardships, he also proclaims his gratitude for his little rugrat and his girl. This is a refreshing track - I could hear influences of HomeBrew in it and I applaud that. Kiwi Hip-Hop has a certain unique element and when we get artists like TheOpHilus just being themselves without trying to imitate others, there are these moments of pure clarity that come through.

I’m a big fan of this track. Great stuff. I would like to hear a lot more!

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