Single Review: Gasman

Reuben Hudson

Review by HazzaMakingNoise // 24 July 2022
Single Review: Gasman 1

I’m not gonna muck around with the preamble here, instead a question… Has Reuben Hudson written the most catchy chorus of the year? I’d wager it.

Gasman is an absolute zinger from the Tamaki Makaurau songwriter. 3 minutes of indie pop-punk perfection. Some snazzy drum work kicks off the song (via the talents of David Harris – Sulfate, Princess Chelsea) before launching into what I believe is a series of pre-choruses. In fact I don’t think Gasman has a verse. It’s a slight oddity in its structure, but in a refreshing inventive way. The first 40 seconds of the track winds all over the show. Finding little musical nooks to hang out in. And then bam there it is. “I’m your Gasman.” All these little deviations land perfectly into that sensational chorus.

Where previous single Drag was entirely a DIY effort, Gasman is Hudson’s first collaborative affair, enlisting Peter Ruddell (Wax Chattels, Jazmine Mary, Sulfate, Dick Move) and Harris on the drums as mentioned. Those extra details that come from other ears involved are invaluable, and speak volumes in the quality of Hudson’s music. The production is perfectly balanced, managing to maintain Hudson’s slightly rough ‘n’ ready indie sound without coming off as undercooked.

But man, I just wanna hear that chorus again. Luckily, the final one turns up a notch. Save yourself some coin, hop on a bus and crank Gasman. If this song isn’t a student radio sensation then I will drink the gas…

About the author HazzaMakingNoise

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