I found the band Boardgames for Blondes to be a natural sounding band, as opposed to modern day electronic music. The majority of the lyrics are actually understandable, unlike some other modern pop songs out there. The vocals are mainly performed by Michele Webb and Andrew Groom, and having both female and male vocals adds a good element to their songs.
Their debut album On The Run features eight tracks.
I found most of the songs were slow and quiet. The fourth track Let’s Go is a little faster than the others - although, you may want to skip this song if you’re sensitive about people having heart attacks.
Some songs, such as Let’s Go, have the standard repetition that you come to expect from pop songs, but ultimately this isn’t a bad thing.
Boardgames for Blondes have a mix of upbeat and saddish songs. which are not preachy or political. If this is the sort of music that interests you, then it’s likely that this band will appeal to you.
Closing track Say Something is definitely not an upbeat song. It is about the time in your relationship where your partner won’t talk to you. I can relate to this, not from personal experience, but I’ve been around couples who have experienced this.
The song On The Run has amusing lyrics. I really liked this song, because the lyrics are a bit cheeky. I found the lyrics for By Your Side quite amusing, too.
I generally like the rhythms of each of the songs. I think this is good music for relaxing to.
I am quite curious to see what music they put out in future, as they definitely have some good tracks. I particularly liked both On The Run and By Your Side.